Albany WaterWay Canal Project News

Meet our Board of Directors

Quarterly Update: July 2024


Another quarter is in the books and what a quarter it has been! We have advanced our vision on several fronts, have engaged with NYSDOT and the Empire State Development team, and continued to advance our social media spotlights.

Our goal remains to transform Albany into a world class city with our unwavering vision.

What we have learned over the past two years is that nothing will change unless you become involved. Without you, the vision we have set out to transform Albany into a world class city will simply not happen.

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Quarterly Report: May 2024

Dear Friends!

The picture below reflects what is possible here in Albany! It is consistent with our purpose to create and implement a vision of a Waterway, taking advantage of public-private partnerships, in order to revitalize the City of Albany by providing the source for new internal and external significant investments, opportunities for increased workforce, tourism and connections, with an element of affordable housing, benefitting neighborhoods and families.

This picture makes real Bobby Kennedy’s maxim: “Some see things as they are and ask, ‘Why.’ I dream of things that never were and ask, ‘Why Not?’”

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Semi Quarterly Report: May 2024

Dear Friends, The Army of the Engaged!

This is a mid-quarter update to bring you up to date on actions impacting the Vision of The Albany Waterway.

Thank you for your constant support!

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Albany Waterway Maps & Paintings

Len Tantillo: Take a look at what we are thinking…

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Times Union Articles

Albany: Times Union Newspaper

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Read Paul Grondahl’s latest update here.

One (potentially wonderful) alternative to replacing I-787

Churchill: A plan from the 1990s for a canal through downtown Albany is worth another look. ALBANY — So, you think replacing Interstate 787 with a boulevard would be impossibly expensive or terrible for commuters? You believe the benefits of such a dramatic project wouldn’t make up for its costs? Well, then I present an alternative…

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Churchill: A step toward the end of 787 as we know it

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Albany Waterway’s ‘upstate Venice’ gains momentum

Gronhahl: The $13 million Albany Skyway now under construction represents a first act of Albany’s downtown revitalization effort to reconnect the city to its long-neglected historical spine, the Hudson River. Now comes the second act, the Albany Waterway, a companion proposal with fresh momentum and influential backers who have adopted the slogan: “If you can’t…

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Len Tantillo and BJ Costello explain the Waterway Project and answer some questions.

BJ and Len - A Call to Action